Non-negotiable baby must-haves

As a first time mom you are bombarded with all of the things you “need” to have to live a sane life. I remember feeling so very overwhelmed by all the must haves when I was preparing for my son’s arrival. Well I’m here to share my must have/ non-negotiable items that I’ve used from month 1 – to now.

My number one most used item is our Hatch sound machines. Yes, I did make that plural. Day one in the hospital we brought our travel sound machine. This sound machine was not only a god-send for my new bambino, but it also helped me and my husband rest and tune out some of the hospital noise! This travel sound machine now goes to daycare with my son everyday. Even the daycare teachers love this thing. Unlike other sound machines, this one is loud and has a variety of options for sounds. We typically use the rain sound. Click here to get yours!

You could use the travel sound machine at home but for us we decided to use the Hatch Rest Baby Sound Machine. The night light feature is great for those late night feeds and diaper changes without having to turn on a bright light or get a separate lamp. This little bad boy also comes with an app to customize your baby’s sleep routine. With the app you can adjust the settings from anywhere. You can remotely control the volume, nightlight, and set up sleep routines that include time for bed and time to rise programable colors. The Hatch will even read your child bedtime stories, offer mindfulness moments and so much more. The best part for us is that it will grow with our child and is not something we will just use for the first year of his life. AKA it’s worth the extra money. Click here to get yours!

The second most used item is the Nozebot. Now listen, I know you are looking at this thinking, that’s outrageous. There are so many nasal aspirators on the market… and you know what you are right. And guess what? We tried them all. Everything from the manual nose sucker to other rechargeable nasal aspirators. NONE of them work as well as the Nozebot. Not to mention we spent a least $50 on the other nasal aspirators before realizing we needed something more serious. When your baby is congested it's so important to suction their nose frequently. This machine has worked best and we still use this almost daily. (hello daycare colds). Click here to get yours!

Lastly, my tried and true is a baby sleep sack. My son HATED being swaddled and constantly pulled his arms out of even the tightest swaddle. Not to mention this was the game changer in our sleep training journey. There are tons on the market but I’ve listed my winter and summer favs, find one that works best for you and have them on hand before your baby needs to transition out the swaddle. For us that was at 3 weeks, so I would recommend having one just in case! Click here to get yours!

I hope my list helps. It isn’t long but if I was going to have another baby these would be my non-negotiable items.


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