How I refound Jesus in 2020.

I re-found Jesus in 2020. Actually, no. Jesus found me in 2020, and he was patient with me as I found my way back to Him. 2020 was a year of trials and tribulations for many, and I was experiencing it for myself. At this point, I was not really sure how I felt about religion. I mean, sure, I believed in God, but I wasn’t raised in a household that went to church or really spoke about God.

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I do remember getting invited to a Wednesday night youth group that I regularly attended, but I didn’t follow the discussion on topics from the bible or really understood the point of the activities. I also didn’t go home and pray daily. I just knew there was a God, and if I was a good person, I would hopefully go to heaven.

In early 2014 I was working at a job that, in my mind, lacked Jesus. One day, overwhelmed and feeling lost, a colleague came into my office to make sure I was ok. He had mentioned to me that his wife was going on a church retreat in town and that I should go, which might help me find my way. I explained that I would love to go but that the reality was that I didn’t have a bible and couldn’t tell you anything about what was in there except that God created all of this. That afternoon, he left for lunch. When he came back in, he walked into my office and handed me my first bible. Inside he wrote me a note, here is what it said.

“As you enter this exciting season in your life, I believe it is imperative that you know your Heavenly Father loves you… Although there have been times in your life that you may have not felt that way. He LOVES YOU!” He also went on to provide me with three verses he felt would guide me. John 10:10, Matthew 6:33, and 1 John 3:1.

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I ended up going to the church retreat with his wife. I will never forget it, honestly. Even though I drifted away from word shortly after the retreat, I kept the bible and would pick it up every now and then to try and figure out what the heck it was saying to us.


One fateful day in April 2020, my phone buzzed with a facetime call. Now, sitting here thinking to myself that that call would ultimately change life is so silly to say. Little did I know, that call was from Jesus himself… Ok! I know that sounds crazy; it was really just my friend Devin. She was calling me because we were at the pandemic's beginning, and she was missing human connection. At this point in our friendship, we had never facetimed. As a matter of fact, I’m not even sure I would call us real friends yet. We were just two people in sales jobs trying to figure out how to leverage our relationship to cultivate a lasting connection to share referrals.

As time went on, Devin and I continued to facetime, and our friendship blossomed. She talked a lot about her walk with Jesus. At this point, I still believed in Jesus, and I had done a little research, but I wasn’t really involved in the word. Devin, on the other hand, was bringing up Jesus and her faith every day. We talked about scripture every now and again. Every time we would discuss the word, it only fed my desire to know more. I wanted to understand the bible; I wanted to understand what was in there and what God has to say. I researched scripture and started picking up my bible again.

I woke up one day in 2021 and decided it was time I committed to a bible study. I remember researching online what bible studies were good. I found a few and did some research on Pinterest. I decided that I wanted to study the word through bible-journaling. I jumped on Pinterest, found some ideas, and ordered a journaling bible.

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After getting my bible journal in, I went ahead and ordered a bible study and bought a copy for Devin so that we could do it together. I was excited to finally read the bible and be one of the few Christian that could actually say they’ve read the whole thing. Here I was at 29, deciding to learn the word of God. I was excited, and I couldn’t wait to say I did it finally.

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Now, here is the thing about the bible, and I’m sure if you are reading this, you are aware… most people can’t just pick up the bible and read it. There is so much in there that doesn’t make any sense to my millennial brain. Even with the bible study, I struggled to comprehend what was said and what I was supposed to learn from this. It was time I turned to some more resources. I knew it was time to find a church.

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At this point, I had been mentioning to my husband that I wanted to find a church. Strangely enough, Jesus was re-finding him through a friend of his, and he had started reading the bible as well. One day, while at work, one of the clients mentioned he was a pastor at a church. Two weeks later, we were at his church listening to him preach. 

Since then, I have found many resources that have helped me further my faith and walk towards Jesus. Here is what I know, God is seeking you out. He wants to have a relationship with you. However you find him, whatever works for you, God will meet you there. 


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