5 Ways to Quickly Save Money

I would like to start off by saying I am not a money expert. I do not have a degree in finance, I am not a financial advisor, I am simply a person who didn’t know anything about money until I was in serious debt. We will get to that later, but I wanted to start with a few money-saving tips and tricks. Or find extra money in things you are already doing. If you are looking for a blog that is going to tell you to stop buying those coffees and avocados, this isn’t the place for you. Now if you are looking for a realistic blog that is going to discuss things that I’ve personally done to get out of debt and still live a pretty good life then, by all means, read on. Be sure to subscribe to my newsletter for your free downloadable budget guide & our 30-day investment savings challenge that’s at the bottom of the page!

In this blog post I’ll be covering:

-Checking Accounts

-Online Shopping & Saving

-Paying Yourself

-The Money Diet AKA Budgeting

-Selling on Facebook Marketplace

#1 This one may seem obvious but surprisingly a lot of people do not realize how they could be missing out on free money by signing up for any old checking account. Most major banks will offer you a checking account bonus for opening a new checking account with them, I’ve seen everything from $100 to $500 just for opening a checking account with a minimum first deposit. Now, this isn’t going to make or break your year but that’s extra money you can move immediately into a high yield savings account. Now, most banks will also offer you a referral bonus for sending your friends and family if you already have a checking account that you are happy with.

#2 Ok, it may be counterproductive to saving money however, everyone shops online nowadays and if you tell me you don’t, I’m going to assume you’re lying. Whenever I shop online, I use a google chrome plug-in that tells me if there are active coupons on that item on other sites or if there are any rebates on what I’m purchasing. This is super easy to do the only downside to this is that I’ve found it works best when I’m on my computer/laptop shopping versus shopping on my phone. These sites that offer coupons or rebates will pay you either cash or gift cards. Just in the last three months, I’ve “earned” $70 on normal online purchases. You can do a quick google search on different online rebate websites or google add-ins, you just have to set up an account, and any time you shop online make sure you are using that tool.

#3 Paying yourself the second your paycheck hits your account. It might seem silly to take money out of your check to “pay yourself” but it’s the first step to saving money. Every time I get paid, I take a certain amount out of that check and immediately put it into my savings. The key here is consistency and not transferring money in and out of your savings. You must pick a number that works for you and if that means only $5 dollars from every check in the beginning then that’s what it is. Don’t get wrapped up in how much is in that account when you first start, just get in the habit of doing it every time your check hits the account.

#4 Budgeting realistically is another hot tip that can help you save money. Now, what exactly does that mean? That means knowing who you are and what your spending habits are. I once read somewhere that how you relate to food is the same way that you relate to money. So if you are someone that has a hard time dieting you probably are someone who has a hard time saving. Now that doesn’t mean it can’t be done but you need to understand what your relationship is with money to determine how strict of a budget you can follow to create a habit. The key to saving money is creating healthy money habits and staying consistent. If you know that you like going out to eat don’t try to stop going out to eat completely right off the bat. Try limiting yourself to once a week, similar to how diets work with a cheat day. Being conscious about how you spend money and how you enjoy your money. Make a budget that makes sense for you while still allowing you to contribute to saving, retirement, and assets. Be sure to subscribe to our monthly newsletter to get your free downloadable budget guide & 30-day investment savings challenge! You can do that at the bottom of this page.

Here is a budget binder that will help keep your money in order. Click here.

#5 Look around your house right now, there are things that you could be selling to make a quick buck. Whenever I’m in a money rut and I want to quickly get some additional funds into my account I resort to selling things around my house that I don’t use anymore or haven’t picked up in months. It’s very easy to post things on Facebook marketplace or list items on popular resale sites. There are so many options on where to sell your items that can turn profits quickly. The items that sell the quickest, in my experience, are electronics and furniture. Now, obviously, you can’t just start selling everything you own but twice a year I like to go through my house and look for things that have just sat and haven’t been used in a while. This is a simple, yet effective way to save money.

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